Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Dengeki Nintendo Character Bios: Panthera

Last in our set of Dengeki Nintendo Sumeragi profiles, we have the "Lustful Mirrage," Panthera (Zonda)! Get ready for some major craziness, folks, because this profile is just that. lol

Panthera’s Profile

A Psychic that belongs to Sumeragi’s Battle Unit.

Their age is unknown for a fact, but it’d seem that Panthera claims that they are 17 years old.

Panthera's habit of shouting “love” gets Panthera on the wrong side of people a lot of times but, mysteriously enough, those who join the battle unit don’t seem to mind it: there even seem to be people who adore him (or her).

Panthera can change their personality and outward appearance at will: and it’d seem that they change their sex every day, even when there’s no real need to do so.

It’s normally suspected that unless one transforms with a “Sword”, one can’t employ the 7th Wave (Sevens), but in his (her) case, it seems that Panthera can exchange sexes without having to transform with a "Sword".

Although, it’s also unknown whether this ability is due to the 7th Wave (Sevens), or if it's the result of mere make-up. [Skybane Note: *ahem* I, uh, think not.]

There are only a few who supposedly know Panthera’s origins within Sumeragi, but
in most cases, if one tries to consult with these members to ascertain the origins of Panthera, the accounts of one person don't match up with another's.
There are also a lot of people within the employees that say that “before I
knew it I’d been registered as an employee”. [Skybane Note: The meaning of this sentence is pretty ambiguous. I asked the translator about it and he's not even entirely sure what it means. He guesses, "Maybe Panthera went and picked people whose looks he or she liked and registered then as Sumeragi employees despite these people not being actual workers." Kind of a pie-in-the-sky guess, but given Panthera's crazy and unpredictable personality, I'd be the last person to outrule this theory, lol]

The full potential of Panthera’s strength is unknown, but the Sumeragi researchers suspect it as being SS Rank-potential, like Gunvolt or Shiden. [Skybane Note: To clarify, while it's true that nobody knows the full extent of Panthera's power, the Sumeragi researchers can still guess that it must be extraordinary, based on the power that Panthera displays when he's not exerting himself very hard.

In the game, Panthera is defeated by Acura, but Acura only managed to wrest victory thanks to all of the previous preparations he made beforehand to defeat Panthera, and the fact that he'd delivered a surprise attack. Had it not been for these factors, Panthera surely wouldn’t have been defeated by him.

Phantom Mirror

Panthera’s 7th Wave (Sevens). It can show all types of virtual images to
the opponent.

It’s an unparalleled Ability and there isn't any other like it. It’s said that it has some hidden power apart from showing illusions to others.

However, since Panthera died and there was never an opponent who could force them into drawing out their full power, Panthera's true strength remains shrouded in darkness. 
Will the full picture ever be revealed…? 


A skill of the "Phantom Mirror" that uses mirrors to exchange the gender.

The Man Mode and the Woman Mode have rather different personalities,
but both share the same habit of saying “love” constantly.

It’s said that there exists a hidden faction fight between Panthera’s men,
split between those who prefer Man Panthera and those who prefer Woman Panthera. 

Little Crow Round

Panthera’s “Sword.”

A double-edged-blade with a special shape constitutes the basis of this "Sword."


The concept loved by Panthera.

The scope of what he calls “love” is too broad, and it gives the impression
that something about it differs from the definition of “love” that most people

 Welp, and that's about it for toda- Oh, wait! Now what's this?!
Arrival of a mysterious illustration!

A new development in Gunvolt!?

What’s this silhouette…?

A mysterious silhouette forwarded by Inti Creates.

Looks like a girl, but this character doesn’t show up in the game…

Is this the beginning of a new development in Gunvolt? Wait for follow-up news!

I think it's pretty obvious who this girl is to all of us who've seen the new Gunvolt 2 trailer from Magfest. Compare the head of the silhouette pictured above to Ouka's and they match up perfectly! Take a look:

So, it's no real surprise, but hey, at least we have a slightly better idea of what Ouka's outfit looks like. The real question is, though: who even is this "Ouka"?

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the Sumeragi profiles! Here's hoping that we'll get a look at Gino and Monica's bios next month!

Thanks to Zoram Selrof for the translation!


  1. Totally still alive.

  2. We finally get the profile and it is as vague as anything.
    All it really did is shown us Zonda's personality and shenanigans.


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