Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Dengeki Nintendo Character Profiles: Carrera

Next in line in our series of Dengeki Nintendo profiles is none other than "The Magnetic Avarice" himself, Carrera! Enjoy, folks, and as always, thanks to Zoram Selrof for the translation.


A young man from a battling family that combines martial arts and the 7th Wave (Sevens) to use a self-taught martial art named “Magnetic Field Fist”. He employs a dubious Japanese. Before his current job, he used to challenge several “dojo." He always won and never lost.

He eventually began to think that only 7th Wave (Sevens) Psychics like him could fight him on equal grounds, so he undertook a job interview with Sumeragi, which was handling incidents involving 7th Wave (Sevens) Psychics.

Sumeragi was impressed by Carrera's ability that could invalidate an opponent’s 7th Wave (Sevens), and Carrera won his employment in a manner similar to talent recruiting.

His desire fulfilled, he placed himself in the battles against Psychics, but because the Psychics who were hit by Carrera’s own Ability instantly had their 7th Wave (Sevens) nullified, Carrera’s greed [to fight strong opponents] was barely satisfied.

His policy is to clash with opponents at full power, and he doesn’t know the meaning of the phrase “holding back”.

Magnetic Field Fist (Magnetic Arts) 
A 7th Wave (Sevens) that can pull many things using a special magnetic energy.

The reason that his ability has the same name as his self-taught martial art is because, in all of history, there has been no one besides Carrera who's had this 7th Wave (Sevens). He signed his name under this self-made-title when he registered himself into Sumeragi. [Skybane Note: To provide a little clarification here, Carrera did not give his real name to Sumeragi when he joined them. Instead, he registered himself officially as "Magnetic Field Fist." Hence, everyone in Sumeragi knows him as "Magnetic Field Fist Carrera."]
(Carrera doesn’t think of his 7th Wave <Sevens> and his martial arts as two different concepts.)

By pulling another's 7th Wave (Sevens) and scattering it across the air, he can seal the opponent’s 7th Wave (Sevens).

By rebounding the magnetism covering his body and the magnetism applied to the ground, he can make his body hover. He can also do the inverse: by pulling the magnetism applied to the walls, he can move at high-speed
His 7th Wave (Sevens) is normally only supposed to pull in the user's target with its suction, but given Carrera’s personality, he’s unable to control this in a precise manner. [Skybane Note: Hence why Carrera pulls in a bunch of other objects when he uses his ability, instead of just the opponent he's fighting.]


Carrera’s “Sword.” It’s based on the halberd said to have been used by Musashibou Benkei (historical Japanese warrior monk).

And that concludes Carrera's bio! As always some really interesting information. Thanks to Zoram Selrof for the translation!

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