Friday, June 19, 2015

The Easy (But Cheap) Way to Get S+

There's no denying that getting an S+ rank can be pretty difficult to do under normal circumstances. You have to scope out various situations, memorize enemy placements, determine what weapon would be best to snag a certain combo, not even take one hit, and on top of that all, you have to work within a time limit. It's a process that requires hours upon hours of practice, particularly in the Gauntlet stages (I remember spending days trying to get S+ in those).

There actually is an easy way to do it, though, which I'll be covering in this post. Before I get into this method, however, I'd like to reiterate that it's pretty cheap and can potentially take a lot of fun out of the game. You can get some pretty insane scores of out it, but it's much more gratifying to do S+ runs the normal way. That said, here's the lowdown on the method that the folks around the Interwebz like to call "Voltaic Chains Cheese".

First off, you'll need the following:

-Adrenaline Lens+ (x2). One of these grants a 25% chance of using a skill without expending SP. By equipping two of these, you can boost your chance to 50%. Yes, they stack.
-Lethal Lavaliere+ (not specifically required, but it helps to rack up kudos)

-Voltaic Chains
-Septimal Surge

Now onto the technique itself. Make sure you have all the specified gear equipped, as well as "Voltaic Chains" and "Septimal Surge" in your skill slots. Now go to a stage. Seek out a large group of enemies that you can combo for a high score. When you've found a group, activate Septimal Surge. This increases the kudos gain of offensive skills by a significant amount. Now take a quick look at your SP slots. There's a 50% chance that you didn't use any energy, thanks to the two Adrenaline Lenses. If you didn't, use Voltaic Chains on the group of enemies. You'll rack up a pretty insane score thanks to Septimal Surge and the fact that Voltaic Chains' kudos gain scales to the number of targets you eliminate.
This is an 8-combo....
...a barren wasteland after Voltaic Chains. 9,999 kudos!
If Septimal Surge did use SP, you'll have to reset and try the technique again. But going back to the successful scenario, you can actually carry this method pretty far depending on how long your luck holds up. I say this because there's chance that Voltaic Chains won't expend SP when you use it. This means that, as long as your Septimal Surge remains active, you can continue using the skill on other enemies to rack up even more kudos!
When you get to a checkpoint in the stage, activate it. You've successfully recorded your progress. If you have some SP slots missing at the time you hit the checkpoint, open the menu and press "Retry". This'll set you back to the last checkpoint with all your SP recharged, meaning that you can rinse and repeat the "Voltaic Chains Cheese" strategy all over again, until the end of the stage! It's worth noting that this strat does not work very well in the Gauntlet stages or boss rush because there are no checkpoints in those levels.

As you've probably been able to deduce, this can result in a pretty crazy run. An onlooker who noticed your gameplay would probably be completely baffled as to what the heck you were doing. There's no denying that the most insane scores possible in the game can be obtained through this trick, however, like this one:
Crazy, right?
So there you have it! Hope you found this post informative! Again, though, if you're considering doing an S+ run of Gunvolt, I would encourage you to do so the normal way. This trick can be a fun thing to fool around with, but honestly, the normal method gives you a much greater feeling of satisfaction!


  1. Satisfaction? are you masochist or what?, a person with their sane mind will not go for the attrocious method which is the normal one, in a game like this, which is far worse than dark souls, with its horrendous insanely hard boss battles.

  2. i like the idea but how do i get the Adrenaline Lens so i can get the Adrenaline Lens +


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