Saturday, April 30, 2016

Happy 1st Anniversary, Gunvault!

One boring day at the end of April last year, I conceived the crazy notion of starting a fan-blog for a certain 3DS game that I enjoyed to an almost ludicrous extent. It's name: Azure Striker Gunvolt. I didn't expect the blog to be noticed by very many people other than the folks I knew online, but I went through with it anyway because that's how much I enjoyed the game. I just had to talk about it somewhere, and I thought that this would be the best way to do so without cluttering up my social media accounts with waves of Gunvolt stuff, lol.

Fast-forward to today, a year later, and that blog stands at almost 30,000 total page views. I really can't thank you all enough for giving this little corner of the internet so much attention over the past year! Managing this blog has been a load of fun, and I hope to continue posting Gunvolt-related content here for many more years to come!

Let's keep up the support for Azure Striker Gunvolt!


Please keep all comments free from NSFW content and general insults towards your fellow adepts. Thank you!