Sunday, May 3, 2015

"Streak" Stage Dialogue

"Streak" Stage Dialogue:


Ashimov: I will confirm the mission objectives again. GV is to break through into the reclaimed island and take care of their visible defense forces. Meanwhile the rest of us will jack the controls of the orbital elevator. Once control of the orbital elevator has been obtained, GV can be sent up to space with the elevator. This operation will be called "Cyber Diva Rescue".

Gino: Nihihi! Tha' sounds good to me! We're going to go rescue the target that we were to eliminate the other time?

Ashimov: ...The battle over the Cyber Diva that began that day, we shall settle it with our own hands. Good luck!

[Beginning of mission]

The spray of the wind and rain -- 
As if reflecting the state of my heart, the very skies of the reclaimed island were frenetic.
GV: Even though it's just a frontal assault... There're indeed a large number of enemies...!
Moniqa: Under this storm your mobility is going to be compromised. 
Moniqa: If you jump, you'll be forced back by the wind... 
Moniqa: Though I know you're boiling over inside...
Moniqa: It's better to refrain from jumping over enemies recklessly, and methodically dispatch the enemies as they come.
GV: ...
GV: ...I know.

The gigantic man-made island floating in the middle of the ocean, Onogoro Front.

That is the mechanical island, housing a complex that was constructed as a work facility in the course of building the orbital elevator.
After the orbital elevator was completed, it was used as a command facility.
The size and scale of the artificial island and orbital elevator...
The only entity that could possibly build something like these are Sumeragi.
The existence of this island itself is a lore that speaks of the heights of their prodigious technological skills.
Ashimov and the others must be fighting to capture the control tower on this island right about now...
In order to utilize the orbital elevator, it is necessary to seize the control tower--
And I'm needed here to create the flashiest ruckus I can to lessen the security back there.

Gino: GV... don't get all hot under the collar yeah? You'll lose if you do yeah?

Gino: Be cool, GV.
Gino: You should be able to complete a mission like this within 1500 seconds easy as cake.
Gino: ... Did I just trigger a flag... sorry, sorry. [TL note: he's referencing the "flag" mechanic that exists in any story-based game where your decisions affect the plot directly.]
Gino: Anyway, this is a cakewalk for the you that you've always been.
GV: Gino...
Gino: Just take it as it comes, y'know?
GV: Nah...
GV: Thanks.
Gino: GV...
Gino: Heh... Something like this can be called a flag too y'know.

GV: This is GV, Gate Monoris discovered.

GV: Destroying it, and proceeding to the next area.
Ashimov: Roger, infiltration of the control facility has succeeded on this end as well.
Ashimov: We will seize the controls of the orbital elevator for sure.
Ashimov: You will continue as you are, break through the enemy forces from the front and board the orbital elevator.

[Part two]

At some point, the headwind suddenly shifted and became a tailwind.

Moniqa: It's possible that if you ride the wind, you can jump further than usual.
Gino: Huh, but then that'll make it easier to overshoot his mark while moving won't it?
Gino: ...Wha- Uwah!
Ashimov: Shibes 2! [TL Note: Sorry, I don't know the actual English term they're trying to reference]
Moniqa: What happened, guys!?
Gino: ...Phew-- Dodged that one by a hair there man.
Gino: Nah, I got caught out by Mr Enemy but our dear leader saved my ass.
Ashimov: I understand that you are worried about GV, but perhaps you shouldn't let your guard down?
Gino: My bad alright... I'll be more careful yup.
Gino... He's alright, huh...?

Moniqa: The gutters seem to be completely empty... Could they be eyes connected to the front?

Moniqa: Be careful not to fall into them!
Moniqa: In this place, under this weather... If you fall, it's going to be difficult to rescue you.
GV: I'm not keen on falling into the sea myself, if you'll excuse me.

-Mantis fight-

GV: An upgraded version huh...

-End Mantis fight-

-Mantis Fight 2-

GV: They didn't learn their lesson huh...

GV: The terrain here looks bad but.. It's not gonna matter!
GV: Anything that gets in my way...
GV: I'll reduce it... to dust!

-End Mantis Fight 2-

Gino: You did it, GV!

Gino: We've got good news on this end too y'know?
Gino: We're done taking over the control facility, so we can beam you up any time!
Gino: All that's left is for you to be right there at the orbital elevator!
GV: Roger, will continue cutting a path towards the location!

-In front of long pit-

Moniqa: GV, make the jump while maintaining your Flashfield! If you use its hovering capability, you'll surely--!

GV: I'll give it a shot!

-Past the pit-

GV: Made it somehow...

-Mantis Fight 3-

GV: After happening twice, a third time...

GV: Though it's actually a proverb of this country... It's going to be the same no matter how many times they try!
GV: I'll plow through a toy like this with my Armed Blue!

-End Mantis Fight 3-

GV: Enemy destroyed.

Gino: Aw yeah! It's just a little more to the orbital elevator I think.
GV: Yeah... I won't let everyone's kindness be in vain...
Please wait for me... Joule!
Ashimov: ............

-Gate Monoris-

Part 3:

-Next Area-

GV: That's the orbital elevator huh...


Merak: Aaa~ You really came all the way out here huh?

GV: (growling) ...Merak! What have you done with Joule?
Merak: ...That? Of course she's been sent up to Firmament already...
Merak: Sigh... Gimme a break...
Merak: I'm under orders from Shiden to get in your way if you were to show up here. [TL Note: I haven't cleared the game, but I think he's talking about Nova]
Merak: It's a real chore but... I have to return the favour of being brought back to life, you know?

-Battle Start-

GV: Did you just say... Brought back to life?

Merak: Yup, so?
Merak: Come to think of it, *you* offed me...
Merak: Aah, but don't ask me too much about it ok? I mean, I can't exactly answer that. 
Merak: Well, it's like a trade secret kinda thing?
Merak: It's a big corporation man~ Sumeragi is.
Merak: Being there is also pretty... Annoying you know?

GV: No change at all... Damn this screwhead... 

GV: I won't forgive you... For taking Joule away!
Merak: Ooh, scary scary...!
Merak: Aw maaan, even though I'm just doing my job in earnest...
Merak: Oh well...
Merak: I don't mean to continue this conversation much longer anyway
Merak: Cuz I'm kinda tired...
GV: Then go the hell back to sleep again... Forever...!
GV: Flare up, Armed Blue! Blast away the nightmare returned to life!

-Post Battle-

Moniqa: GV! You're OK right?!

GV: No problems. Proceeding to board the orbital elevator as I am.
Moniqa: That's good to hear... But, that guy... He said something about "being brought back to life" didn't he...?
Gino: Sounds like making a pact with a mysterious "reviver" like in a tokusatsu show but... That's... Even so...
Gino: Right, Mr Leader?
Gino: Huh, what? Where'd he go...?

-Mission Clear-

Credit to Starky100 of GameFAQs for translating this!


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