Friday, May 29, 2015

"Smoldering Flames" Drama Track Translated by Eclipse

Eclipse5632 of GameFAQs has recently finished translating the first drama track in the Gunvolt Justice Rage album, "Smoldering Flames", into English. The Justice Rage tracks were already covered by another fan on Youtube earlier this month, but admittedly, the translations were a bit on the rough side. There were some lines that just sounded awkward or couldn't be understood at all, which was unfortunate.
Eclipse has thankfully remedied this problem by providing an extremely clear and thorough translation of the first track, however. Personally, I discovered a few new things that I hadn't caught previously, such as the fact that the members of Daytona's gang have a signature handkerchief. That's actually something that has a bit of significance in another Gunvolt scenario. That's the subject for a future post, though.

Eclipse will also be tackling the other drama tracks in the near future. Needless to say, when those come out, you can count on this page covering them!
Major props to Eclipse for taking the time to do this!

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